Excellent Education for Practice
We are committed to excellent vocational, professional and higher education.
vE Academy
At the vE Academy, we combine our educational solutions for your successful future!
vE Business Empowerment
vE Business Empowerment offers customized Learning & Development Services for your company's success.
vE Innovative Insights
With vE Innovative Insights, we drive innovation and focus on contemporary learning technologies.
Managing Partner and Founder

Roland von Euw

Dr. Roland von Euw is the founder of vE Educational Excellence Ltd liab. Co. His curriculum vitae draws a picture that perfectly suits the mission and the values of vE Educational Excellence.

"Thanks to excellent education, employees master every challenge. They thus contribute to the sustainable success of companies and administrations. In the current era of digital transformation, employee education and training is a challenge for organizations. We help you maintain your competitiveness."
Your contacts

Caroline Albert
Account Manager Switzerland, Germany and Austria

Vicky Loras
Account Manager International
64 employees are committed to our customers. 51 of them are lecturers with variable workloads; 13 work in a permanent position for vE Educational Excellence.
Our Values
For us, excellent education is practically relevant, economical and diverseDiversity
We address all individual learning needs
We opt for innovative and proven learning methods
We consider all relevant stakeholders
We act cost-consciously
We consider the benefits for all stakeholders
We work in a result-oriented manner
Practical Relevance
We learn from and act for practice
We employ the requirements of practice
We combine theory and practice